
Weeny(tiny), Yes but not what you're thinking 😁... it's a meticulously crafted design system available for React, Vue, Flutter, and CSS, offering a harmonious blend of simplicity, vibrancy, and fluidity. Whether you're building a responsive website or a mobile app, Weeny has got you covered.


Stable v1.0.0

A Figma representation of the design system that showcases the foundation, components and design tokens.

Stable v0.1.0

A react ui kit of the same design system using styled-components as the foundation for the modular build.

Stable v0.1.0

A Vue implementation of Weeny design system.It embodies the modular architecture and organization.

Stable v0.1.0

BEM methodology was at the core of this build. The architecture is such that it could be extended and re-used.

Stable v0.1.0

Mobile Apps (iOS & Android) are not left out on this fun. This is flutter (cross platform) representation of the design system.


Coming Soon


Coming Soon

© 2023. Built by @mcofie